
Should You Become a Software Developer?: A book you should read before you decide to learn to code - Łukasz Marek Sielski

Embark on the dynamic world of software development with seasoned expert Łukasz Marek Sielski in "Should You Become a Software Developer?" Sielski, with over two decades of experience, demystifies a developer's life beyond coding, offering insights for success.

Whether you're considering a career shift or want to understand the developer world, this book is your invaluable companion. Sielski provides a roadmap, helping you navigate the competitive terrain, overcome obstacles, and make informed decisions.

Explore types of developers, potential earnings, and the impact of your choices. In "My Story," Sielski shares his journey from a self-taught coder to Head of Software Development.

"Path" guides you to secure your first job, "Work" delves into technical intricacies, and "Environment" prepares you for industry realities. Addressing issues like imposter syndrome and burnout, this book is a mentor and guide to unlocking your potential in software development. Whether novice or insider, it's your key to success.